Rib Belt

  • A rib belt is a type of brace designed to provide support and compression to the rib cage area. It is typically made of a stretchy and breathable material, such as neoprene or elastic, which allows for comfort and ease of movement.
  • Adjustable straps: Most rib belts have adjustable straps or hook-and-loop closures, which allow for a customized fit and compression level.
  • Contoured design: The rib belt is often contoured to fit the natural curve of the rib cage, providing a snug and supportive fit.


  • A rib belt is a type of brace designed to provide support and compression to the rib cage area. It is typically made of a stretchy and breathable material, such as neoprene or elastic, which allows for comfort and ease of movement.
  • The rib belt is often contoured to fit the natural curve of the rib cage, providing a snug and supportive fit. It may also feature adjustable straps or hook-and-loop closures, which allow for a customized fit and compression level.
  • Rib belts are commonly used to help manage and alleviate pain from rib fractures, bruised ribs, or other rib injuries. They can also be used as a preventive measure during high-impact activities or sports, such as football or hockey, to help reduce the risk of rib injuries.
  • It is important to note that rib belts should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as improper use or fit may lead to further injury or discomfort.
  • Overall, a rib belt can be a helpful aid in managing and alleviating rib pain or preventing rib injuries during physical activity or sports.